
Attendance sign hanging from ceiling

The Attendance Office is located directly across from the Main Office

If a student is to be absent, parents/guardians will need to call, leave a voicemail, email or respond to Parent Square to clear the student's absence within 72 hours. Parents/Guardians may email Deanna at FoothillAttendance@suhsd.net  or call (530) 225-8484.
  • Any absences not cleared will turn into a truancy.
  • When a student accumulates 10 missed class periods due to a truancy, they will receive a Saturday School.
Leaving Early? Parents/Guardians, please call, email, or provide a note at least 30 minutes in advance so we can send a permit to leave to your student. If students leave without a permit it will be considered a truancy.
Click to access the Attendance Policies