
Band_Boosters Card IconBand BoostersTop of Page

Every band parent/guardian is a member of FHS Band Boosters. We are an organization of parents and volunteers with a two-fold purpose:

  • To support and promote the FHS band program, its students and the director within the school and throughout the community. 
  • To conduct fund-raising activities which help supplement the band program’s operating budget.

FHS Band Boosters does not govern or make decisions regarding the operations or musical selections of the band program. That is the responsibility of the instrumental music director.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the welfare and success of our band. All Band Booster meetings are included in the Performance Calendar. Attending Booster meetings is the best way to keep informed regarding the band program, ask questions, offer input in booster activities and to receive any updates or changes to the Performance Calendar.



Culinary_Arts_Boosters Card IconCulinary Arts BoostersTop of Page

The Culinary Arts Booster group raises funds to help sustain and improve the Culinary Arts program at Foothill High School.  Members are voluntary and are always welcome.